Little Braydon went food shopping at Walmart, a big supermarket chain in the US, one day with his mother. However, it didn’t take long for his mother to get scared after learning that Braydon had disappeared.
After a few minutes of frantic, scared searching, his mother discovered him.
Her first impulse was to scold him for leaving her. But when she saw him kneeling and praying in front of a sign board, she stopped to think about why. Then she took a closer look at the wall.

Braydon’s mother reportedly said, “I had to run into Walmart,” according to Faith Tap. To make sure my son was with me, I turned to glance behind me.
He wasn’t, though. In a couple of hours, Braydon had made plans to keep his mother at a remove.
After a long search, she saw Braydon kneeling in front of a sign. He was praising God. She was surprised and asked him what he was doing. She was able to understand her son’s actions, though, when she got closer to the board and took a closer look.
On the board, it said, “Every second counts.” Next to those phrases were pictures of missing children. Little Braydon saw the board and left his mother’s side, praying to God that the children would return to their homes.
The endearing image and accompanying story quickly gained popularity on the internet. The Facebook page for Aubrey Jayce Carroll, a teenage kid who has been missing since 2016, decided to make a tribute to him after witnessing Braydon’s story.
I’m not sure who this little man is, but I would want to thank you for your prayers for these kids. One of my cousins, Aubrey Carroll, is out there. This has obviously affected me. If I knew where this youngster was or who he was, I would want to thank him in person.

The image of Braydon kneeling in front of the board has been posted more than 115,000 times on Facebook since that time.
You shall acknowledge that, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, at least 800,000 children in the US are reported missing annually.
One Facebook commenter on the image best put it this way: “It really doesn’t matter whether or not you believe in God.” This young man in Walmart was trying to help as many people as he could and was thinking of other people. The world would be a better place if more people followed in his footsteps.
Mom, good job! You’re on the correct track—a solid foundation is necessary!

God, bless his heart. I love how much his faith is ingrained in his mind.
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