Self-described Angelina Jolie doppelganger Sahar Tabar has generated a lot of controversy on social media since she began sharing pictures of herself and claimed to have had 50 operations to resemble the Hollywood actress.
Because of her peculiar appearance, she has over 480,000 followers on Instagram, where they have branded her a “corpse bride” and “zombie.”
Eventually on though, Tabar acknowledged that the majority of her images were Photoshopped and that the number of procedures she had supposedly undergone was inflated. When asked why she depicted herself with accentuated cheekbones, huge lips, and grayish skin, she replied that she was just having fun.
“Now I can see that I have something in common with her [Angelina Jolie], but I amuse myself, and to look like someone is not my goal,” she stated in an interview with Sputnik.
“I upload photos of myself and gradually make my face funnier and more humorous; it’s a kind of art and a way for me to express myself. “My fans are aware that this isn’t my true face,” she continued.
But her appearance not only caught the attention of millions, but also got her into serious difficulties.
Tabar, who lives in Iran, a country with severe social norms regarding women’s appearance and attire, was charged with blasphemy, inciting violence, earning money improperly, and encouraging young people to engage in corruption. She was later found not guilty of two of the four accusations against her, according to her lawyer, but she did not want to say any further because Tabar was still expecting a pardon. Rather, she received a 10-year prison sentence.
She even urged her great admirer Angelina Jolie to support her release by stating, “The Islamic Republic has a history of tormenting women.” Against this gender apartheid, we must unite.
Upon expressing regret in public, her words sparked empathy. According to medical reports, Tabar was mentally ill when she was arrested.
It was reported shortly after her sentencing that she had been granted bail.
In actuality, Tabar still somewhat like a normal person when her makeup is minimal.
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