If you see a man with one painted fingernail, this is what it means

While touring Cambodia with a group of other individuals, Elliot Costello encountered a young child by the name of Thea.

Little did Elliot know that this encounter would have such a profound impact on him that it would motivate him to start a campaign to end the sexual exploitation of children.

Every day, Thea had her tiny nails painted. Once, while they were talking, she requested Elliot to paint one of his nails. He happily agreed to speak with the chatty girl, and afterwards learned that she had been the victim of sexual abuse.



Elliot stated, “As she painted one of my nails, I promised her I’d keep it that way forever to remember her, and by extension, her agony.

This motivated Elliott to seek to alter men’s views and lessen the amount of sexual abuse of minors.

He then started the #PolishedMan movement, which encourages men to paint one of their nails. The equivalent of that one nail is the one in five youngsters who will be sexually assaulted.

Polished Man strives to put an end to child sexual abuse. The group claims that “being a Polished Man means challenging violent behavior and language, both locally and globally.”

According to Elliott, males are to blame for 96% of this type of violence against children worldwide, therefore if we are ever going to stop abusing helpless children, they need to be the driving force behind change.

Not only is the painted nail meant to serve as a visual reminder of the issue, but it is also meant to generate discussion about the incidence of child abuse and new preventative tactics. In addition, he wants people to start giving money to “support educational programmes and resources for child survivors of abuse,” according to APlus.

We genuinely hope that more men, including well-known men, will agree to support this cause.

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